Француска, Дијон


21 Rue Nodot Дијон, Француска Apartman
7 понуда од 26965 RSD Pogledaj ponudu
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Usluge i pogodnosti u GLAM'APPART SPA
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  • Фрижидер
  • Микробран
  • Фен за косу
  • џакузи
  • Сауна
Prikaži sve pogodnosti 9
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1.2 km
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О томе

'GLAM'APPART SPA' је хотел који се налази у Дижону, Француска. Нуди роскошан смештај са спа услугама. Хотел располаже различитим собама за избор, од стандардних соба до суита. Свака соба је елегантно украшена и опремљена модерним удобностима као што су клима уређаји, равни телевизори, минибарови и бесплатан Wi-Fi. Неке собе такође имају приватне балконе или терасе са прелепим погледима на град. Његова главна атракција су спа услуге. Гости могу уживати у разним третманима и терапијама дизајнираним за опуштање и омладживање. Спа центар обухвата џакузи, сауну, парно купатило и разноврсне масаже и третмане лепоте. Што се тиче оброква


There are several entertainment options near the hotel 'GLAM'APPART SPA' in Dijon, France. Some of the nearby entertainment venues include:

1. Zénith de Dijon - A concert hall hosting various events like live music concerts, theatre performances, and comedy shows. Address: Rue de Colchide, 21000 Dijon, France.

2. Le Parc de la Colombière - A beautiful park where visitors can enjoy a peaceful walk, have a picnic, or just relax amidst nature. Address: 11 Cours du Parc, 21000 Dijon, France.

3. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon - An art museum housing an extensive collection of artworks from different periods and artists. Address: 1 Rue Rameau, 21000 Dijon, France.

4. Cinéma Olympia - A movie theater showcasing both mainstream and independent films. Address: Avenue Maréchal Foch, 21000 Dijon, France.

5. Owl's Trail (La Chouette) - A popular self-guided walking trail that takes you through the historic sights of Dijon, including the Notre Dame Cathedral, Palace of the Dukes, and more. Address: The trail starts at the Tourist Office, 11 Rue des Forges, 21000 Dijon, France.

6. Shopping - Dijon offers a variety of shopping options including the Rue de la Liberté, a bustling street with a mix of local boutiques and international brands. These are just a few examples of entertainment options near the hotel 'GLAM'APPART SPA' in Dijon, France. There are also numerous restaurants, bars, and cafes in the vicinity, offering a vibrant nightlife scene.

Usluge i pogodnosti u GLAM'APPART SPA

Забава и релаксација
  • Кеђање
  • Ходници
Удобности у соби
  • Фрижидер
  • Микробран
  • Фен за косу
  • џакузи
Водене активности
  • Сауна
  • Риболов
  • Водени спортови

Шта је около на GLAM'APPART SPA

21 Rue Nodot Дијон, Француска

The hotel 'GLAM'APPART SPA' is located in the heart of Dijon, France. Here are some attractions and amenities that are around the hotel:

1. Palais des Ducs de Bourgogne: A historic palace that once housed the Dukes of Burgundy. It is now a museum and is located nearby the hotel.

2. Cathedral Saint-Bénigne: A stunning cathedral known for its Romanesque architecture. It is within walking distance of the hotel.

3. Musée des Beaux-Arts: A prestigious art museum housing a wide collection of paintings and sculptures. It is just a short walk away from the hotel.

4. Jardin Darcy: A beautiful park with a fountain and lovely green spaces. It provides a nice spot for relaxation and is located near the hotel.

5. Place de la Libération: The main square in Dijon, known for its architecture and historical significance. It is a short distance away from the hotel.

6. Shopping and dining: There are numerous shops, boutiques, and restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel, offering a variety of options for shopping and dining. Overall, the hotel 'GLAM'APPART SPA' is conveniently located near many attractions, making it a great choice for tourists visiting Dijon.


Do centra grada1.2

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